We entered the phase of the Full Moon on July 13th. Interesting to me, these days many people will do ceremonies or discuss the menses (bleeding time) at the Full Moon. That is what I did before I started to really question my cycles and started to learn about Chinese medicine. However, during the times when women were governed by natural light, they would have been dealing, for the most part, with their ovulation time under the Full of the Moon.
The Full Moon energy is linked to a woman's Pineal gland. When we go to sleep and how much light is present as we move into bed will affect the signals coming and going from the Pineal gland. If we go to bed as the sun sets without artificial light the Pineal gland will send hormones to the ovaries to start the release of the ripe egg. If we have been tracking with the moon, this release will occur within three days of the Full Moon.
Full Moon energy is the Power time for the Moon and most women. It is the time when the night sky is bright and alive. You can get around in the forest without a flashlight, which means you can extend your day if you desire. With the moon bright, like the sun, you can absorb energy and have more available to give. This can also be seen as a time to make decisions.
If you are aware of when you ovulate, have you noticed your energy during that time? Have you noticed you are more out going? Is this the time you want to go dancing, have a party and get dressed up? Have you noticed your energy is more of a drawing to you kind of energy? Have you noticed you attract more people to you especially men? Is this the time you are more sexual? And if you bleed at this time, do you notice, unlike some women who say they are sluggish and more inward, you feel more alive and energized?
Why is your energy so high at Ovulation? Well, it is your body's way of pushing you to take advantage of the small window to do something with the Potential of life ripe in your body. The ripened egg has about 12 to 72 hours viability for fertilization. So it is no wonder your energy is magnetizing people to you. Why do we start measuring our cycle with our bleeding time? The obvious reason is we have a definite marker, we see blood. Thus, the first sign, of something more than a spot, of blood is marked as day one of our cycle. As I said in other posts when healthy we follow, in general, a 28 day cycle with the moon. The midway point will call us to look for signs of ovulation. One subtle indicator is the occurrence of a slight pain/cramp in your lower stomach usually on one side. Note the side can vary month to month (we tend to alternate ovaries).
The second sign actually takes a couple of months of tracking in order to see your pattern. It also can be related to the idea of brightness corresponding to energy. What I mean by this is the amount of focus light generates more energy which in turn can generate more heat. This second sign is temperature. Again start to monitor your temperature at day one of your bleeding time. During this first phase of your cycle Estrogen dominates. You are in your Yin phase which is about cooling,gentle feminine energy and thus you will notice your temperature to be lower from day one to about 13. As Progesterone increases so too will your temperature. You have now entered your masculine phase (Yang) and your body is preparing your uterus for the implantation of your fertilized egg. Masculine energy is about manifesting, bringing forward what the feminine initiated and making the potential real. You will see your highest temperature the day you release the ripe egg=ovulation. You will be as bright, and full as the Moon, while burning like the Sun.
The third sign, I relate again to Yin. Our cervical fluid becomes more abundant and more flowing, like albumen of the egg white. Our feminine process of softening comes into play as we soften our cervix to receive as women do. That drawing energy I mentioned above comes in the form of pulling our cervix upward. We also open our cervix, as a flower blooms. We have now prepared ourselves to receive the spark of life, our partners sperm.
What if you don't want to get pregnant? Have you thought about creating a ceremony to honor this creative, potential? If you have tracked your cycle and you know when you are going to ovulate what about planning a gathering in which you and your girl friends have a crafting party? Maybe you and your partner can do something other than create a baby, like build furniture together or plant a garden? Maybe you can take an art class and create something with paint or clay? Maybe you can do a meditation to learn more about your second chakra and how it relates to being the creator of your world?
I invite you to feel the juiciness of your Full Moon, Ovulatory potential! May we together be the change we are looking for by becoming more in tune with our cycles. May we join our cycles with that of Mama Gaia, and give birth to a new World.