Want a few none pill forms of natural remedies for muscle cramps? Here you go...
1. mustard
2. Pickle juice
3. Bannas
4. turmeric
5. pineapple
6. avocado
Remember all things in moderation. Too much of a good thing can be bad. You want to create balance. Most of the foods listed you want to take daily for a couple of months to get better results. Pineapple is best less frequently and you want to remember it is an acid so drink water with it to protect your teeth. Mustrad, a couple of spoonfuls, will help muscle cramps in about 30mins. Turmeric is good ground and you can add to warm milk at night.
Let me know how this works for you

Colette-Eclectic Healing Guide is connected to: www.colette.massagetherapy.com FaceBook @Eclectichealingguide and Instagram @eclectichealingguide. All information in this Blog is for Educational purposes only! Please Consult your Health Care Provider concerning any disease or injury. The author is Not recommending that you self-diagnose or self-prescribe. Please discuss with your Health Care Provider before introducing anything new to your wellness routine.