Thursday, December 18, 2014

Who is behind Eclectic Healing Guide

If you have been wondering who Colette is and how she became the therapist she is today, we put together a little insight here.

Colette Chavez Walker graduated from East/West College of Massage in Portland, Oregon. She was trained by some of the best massage therapist and instructors in Portland namely John Hart, TJ Ford and Allison Longstretg  Lurie.  Always striving for more knowledge and means to provider her clients with the best and most effective results ,Colette has taken extensive continuing education courses. Most recently, she traveled to Thailand with her instructor Allison Lurie. There she immersed herself in all things Thai; as Thai massage is more than just a series of strokes, it is part of a living culture where food, mediation and bodywork are all equal parts of bringing a person into their highest well being. Colett's techniques are also greatly influence by her time learning, Lomi(a form of Hawaiian massage)from Native Hawaiian, Kamaile Puaoi, who truly embodies the Aloha essence. Colette is also certified in Orthopedic Massage by founder James Waslaski. Another one of Colette's passions is women's health. To gain more knowledge in this realm, Colette studied with Dr. Randine Lewis, author of “The Infertility Cure” and Founder of Fertile Soul.
 Through her oral health studies at UCLA Colette is also trained in working with muscular conditions related to the jaw. Working with the Naturopaths at Tigard Holistic Health Clinic, Colette refined her understanding of the importance of alternative healing arts and was provided with methods for caring for clients going through cancer therapies. 
Colette is also a Reiki master and has been utilizing the Usui method of Reiki for over 10 years.  While in Thailand, Colette was introduced to Chi Nei Tsang (stomach massage, but oh so much more). This amazing technique blends beautifully with her Reiki practice of mediation. Colette’s other source of mediation, spirituality, empowerment and exercise is Belly Dance. Through Reiki, Chi Nei Tsang and belly dance, she has come to understand that all things are connected both macrocosmically as well as microcosmically; therefore the healing process must be dealt with on all levels, within all our bodies (emotional, mental, physical and spiritual). Colette understands that to find and maintain health, we should care for our bodies as though they were infants, addressing our individual needs, while balancing nutritional, emotional, mental, spiritual and physical aspects of our being.

Colette is a practitioner that listens to her client’s body, working on a myofascial, neuromuscular and energetic level to help release blocks and tension, easing the client back to their ideal alignment. She is dedicated to guiding rather than leading her clients to a path of balance within mind, body and spirit. Each of her sessions is customized to the client’s individual needs, desires and comfort.


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

An Overview of Colette's Massage Modalities

Ever wonder what type of massages techniques influence Colette's fusion style?

Wonder what she is thinking as she plans your massage? Well, here you go:

In general Colette's massage sessions are eclectic. She pulls from several of the modalities below at any given area in a person’s body depending on what the muscles are asking for in the moment. The most important aid in her massage is the client’s ability to provide her with as much of the story of their muscles as they can in any given session. The more guidance she has as to what the muscles have been doing during the week, months or years, the more focused she can make the session and  better long term results will occur. 
Listed below you will see an overview of some of what goes on at Eclectic Healing Guide.
Therapeutic Massage:
This form of massage is geared to more chronic muscle tension and is a more focused massage targeting specific muscle groups rather than a generalized full body. The Therapeutic form of massage Colette utilizes is Deep tissue.  Her style of Deep tissue is based on Orthopedic Massage as taught by James Waslaski.
Deep Tissue Massage is not a massage just with increased pressure. It is a massage that employs the understanding of muscle action, tissue layers, tissue manipulation, muscle fiber direction, muscle shortening and lengthening capabilities and holding patterns. Deep refers to the therapist's ability to work with the muscles and tissue in a slow, focused manner that allows the body to take the therapist to a depth that will release the muscle restrictions. The goals of deep tissue are alleviation of pain, better posture, increased flexibility and range of motion and longer lasting benefits over time.
 Wellness Massage:
Wellness massage optimized touch to work with the body's chakra system, meridian system, circulation, lymphatic system and immune system to establish and maintain a good physical condition and health. The client is invited to relax and improve muscle tone leading to therapeutic effects on the respiratory, nervous and circulatory centers. Finding comfort the individual can more readily re-align in a state of mind, body and spirit balance.
Types of wellness massage:
Dry Brush Massage
As this technique takes about 5-10 mins. it is a great addition to the beginning of any massage. Our Skin is the largest organ of elimination. Many Naturopathic doctors recommend dry brushing for detoxification programs. This can be a way to combine your beauty and wellness routines. The process begins at the soles of the feet up the legs, hands and arms, back, abdomen, neck and ends at the chest.  Dry brushing removes dead skin and impurities, stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic flow, awakens skin nerve endings, and keeps pores open.  Therefore you will improve muscle tone, repair complexion and overall enhance your well-being. It is also recommend for those dealing with lymphedema.

Swedish Massage is the most well know form of relaxation bodywork techniques. It incorporates gliding, kneading, friction, vibration, compression and tapping (tapotement) in a stylized manner.
Thai Massage can be thought of as passive yoga for the client and active yoga for the therapist. It is an Eastern form of bodywork incorporating meridian stimulation (known as Sen lines), compression, abdominal massage, tapotement and emphasizing stretching. For the most benefit the therapist structures a routine to fit the client's needs and the balance between the client and practitioner. The client wears loose, comfortable clothing and remains clothed throughout the session. This massage takes place on a mat on the floor. Working on the floor allows the therapist to maximize leverage and increases the stretching benefits. Thai massage improves the flow of energy throughout the body, increasing vitality, flexibility and muscle tone. A traditional Thai massage has a minimal duration of one and one half hours.
Craniosacral Massage is a subtle form of bodywork in which the therapist works with the subtle third rhythm of the body that falls beneath the breath and the heartbeat. The therapist uses gentle holding, compression like hand positions to stimulate the client’s natural internal healing abilities. As the cerebral spinal fluid rhythm re-balances the skull bones are allowed to re-align, connective tissue unwinds and re-alignment within the connection of the cranium, spine and sacrum occur.  Clients wear loose comfortable clothing and remain fully clothed throughout the session.  Clients are on their back for the entire session. Hugely relaxing with clients often falling to sleep, this form of bodywork has been helpful reducing symptoms related to ADHD, migraines, TMJ and Chronic pain. It is also helpful when preparing to become pregnant and following child birth.

Therapeutic Aromatic Massage is a combination of Swedish massage and aromatherapy.  This is more than just for a pleasant smell to induce relaxation. The client selects from our list of oils to address their desired massage outcome and the oils are added to a base oil of coconut oil. The  essential oils Colette applies are free of copper, aluminum, herbicides and other agrochemicals.  Through this beautiful marriage of massage and aromatic oils the therapist seeks to promote emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.
Thai Aroma Massage is a combination of Thai pressure points to the head, face, feet, and back, Swedish and myofascial release techniques to back muscles, hydrotherapy and wellness supportive essential oils. The massage begins with energetic points in the head, face. Moving to the feet where the therapist applies oils while stimulating points in the feet. The client then turns onto their stomach for the therapist to utilize specific massage techniques and oils. The massage ends with heated towels on the back.
Reiki is a purely energetic bodywork technique. This session is mainly used for relaxation and chakra balancing. For those more familiar with Reiki the session will be customized to your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual needs. A full session will utilizes hand positions on both the front and back of the body. Energy travels from the chakras in the practitioners hands to the client’s chakras. This energy is experienced differently by different people. The sensations have been described as heat, cold, tingling or a variety of other sensations. Clients often fall asleep.  There is no manipulation of muscles or skeletal structure. The client wears loose, comfortable clothing and remains clothed throughout the session.
Foot soaks and massage:
This therapy is based on Traditional Chinese foot massage which consists of a foot bath followed by a massage on various pressure points in the feet, ankles and legs. The session begins with the client comfortable seated in a chair while soaking the feet in hot water infused with tea, herbs or essential oils and/ or Epsom salts for 5-15 mins. The feet are then removed from the water; one foot is wrapped in a warm towel while the therapist massages the other foot and low leg this should take about 15 mins. After both feet and low legs are massaged they are dried. The client can end the massage by relaxing alone with a cup of tea.

Maternity or pre-natal massage (I reserve this modality for established clients.)
This is a gentle massage that varies depending on the stage of pregnancy. At all stages the therapist avoids applying pressure to certain locations of the body. In the early stages of massage when the mother can still lie on her stomach the massage is similar to non-pregnancy massage except for avoiding heat and pressure points at certain locations. During later stages the therapist adds pillows or the use of a body cushion, for support and can even preform a full body massage while the mother is side- lying. The overall goal is the safety and comfort of both the mother and fetus.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Foods Good to Ease Muscle Cramps

Want a few none pill forms of natural remedies for muscle cramps? Here you go...
1. mustard 
2. Pickle juice 
3. Bannas 
4. turmeric 
5. pineapple 
6. avocado 

Remember all things in moderation. Too much of a good thing can be bad. You want to create balance. Most of the foods listed you want to take daily for a couple of months to get better results. Pineapple is best less frequently and you want to remember it is an acid so drink water with it to protect your teeth. Mustrad, a couple of spoonfuls, will help muscle cramps in about 30mins. Turmeric is good ground and you can add to warm milk at night.
Let me know how this works for you 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bright Moon has Come

Though, as I write this we are under the influence of the waning, crescent moon, I will be sharing about the Full Moon.

We entered the phase of the Full Moon on July 13th. Interesting to me, these days many people will do ceremonies or discuss the menses (bleeding time) at the Full Moon.  That is what I did before I started to really question my cycles and started to learn about Chinese medicine. However, during the times when women were governed by natural light, they would have been dealing, for the most part, with their ovulation time under the Full of the Moon.

The Full Moon energy is linked to a woman's Pineal gland. When we go to sleep and how much light is present as we move into bed will affect the signals coming and going from the Pineal gland. If we go to bed as the sun sets without artificial light the Pineal gland will send hormones to the ovaries to start the release of the ripe egg. If we have been tracking with the moon, this release will occur within three days of the Full Moon.

Full Moon energy is the Power time for the Moon and most women. It is the time when the night sky is bright and alive. You can get around in the forest without a flashlight, which means you can extend your day if you desire. With the moon bright, like the sun, you can absorb energy and have more available to give. This can also be seen as a time to make decisions. 

If you are aware of when you ovulate, have you noticed your energy during that time? Have you noticed you are more out going? Is this the time you want to go dancing, have a party and get dressed up? Have you noticed your energy is more of a drawing to you kind of energy? Have you noticed you attract more people to you especially men?  Is this the time you are more sexual? And if you bleed at this time, do you notice, unlike some women who say they are sluggish and more inward, you feel more alive and energized?

Why is your energy so high at Ovulation? Well, it is your body's way  of pushing you to take advantage of the small window to do something with the Potential of life ripe in your body. The ripened egg has about 12 to 72 hours viability for fertilization. So it is no wonder your energy is magnetizing people to you.  Why do we start measuring our cycle with our bleeding time? The obvious reason is we have a definite marker, we see blood. Thus, the first sign, of something more than a spot, of blood is marked as day one of our cycle. As I said in other posts when healthy we follow, in general, a 28 day cycle with the moon. The midway point will call us to look for signs of ovulation. One subtle  indicator is the occurrence of a slight pain/cramp in your lower stomach usually on one side. Note the side can vary month to month (we tend to alternate ovaries).

The second sign actually takes a couple of months of tracking in order to see your pattern. It also can be related to the idea of brightness corresponding to energy. What I mean by this is  the amount of focus light generates more energy which in turn can generate more heat. This second sign is temperature. Again start to monitor your temperature at day one of your bleeding time.  During this first phase of your cycle Estrogen dominates. You are in your Yin phase which is about cooling,gentle feminine energy and thus you will notice your temperature to be lower from day one to about 13. As Progesterone increases so too will your temperature. You have now entered your masculine phase (Yang) and your body is preparing your uterus for the implantation of your fertilized egg.  Masculine energy is about manifesting, bringing forward what the feminine initiated and making the potential real. You will see your highest temperature the day you release the ripe egg=ovulation. You will be as bright, and  full as the Moon, while burning like the Sun. 

The third sign, I relate again to Yin. Our cervical fluid becomes more abundant and more flowing, like albumen of the egg white. Our feminine process of softening comes into play as we soften our cervix to receive as women do. That drawing energy I mentioned above comes in the form of pulling our cervix upward. We also open our cervix, as a flower blooms. We have now prepared ourselves to receive the spark of life, our partners sperm.

What if you don't want to get pregnant? Have you thought about creating a ceremony to honor this creative, potential? If you have tracked your cycle and you know when you are going to ovulate what about planning a gathering in which you and your girl friends have a crafting party? Maybe you and your partner can do something other than create a baby, like build furniture together or plant a garden? Maybe you can take an art class and create something with paint or clay? Maybe you can do a meditation to learn more about your second chakra and how it relates to being the creator of your world? 

I invite you to feel the juiciness of your Full Moon, Ovulatory potential! May we together be the change we are looking for by becoming more in tune with our cycles. May we join our cycles with that of Mama Gaia, and give birth to a new World. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Where are the Toes

Have you ever looked at your feet and wondered what was going on with those toes?

Since most of us regularly and frequently wear shoes and often wear shoes more for style than health and comfort, most of us have some mis-alignment of our feet and toes.


This picture is from a site called our health network. com I think it is great to show what is going on with the different types of toe issues.

This picture is from a site called md guide lines. This condition can often be seen joining hammer toes.

Most of the toe issues I see are in Women. The main reason for this is our footwear.  For the most part stylish shoes for women tend to be too pointy, too tight, high-heeled and sometimes too short. These conditions on a repeated basis cause pressure on the toes. Over time this pressure leads to toe muscle imbalance which leads to a pull and tension on the toe tendons. The longer the tendons are held under tension, they will become rigid and pull the toe joints out of alignment.

All of the conditions pictured above can start with poor, unhealthy footwear.

Another cause for Hammer toes is muscle imbalance starting in the low leg. When the calf muscles are overworked or over contracted and are not taken back to their normal resting length, the tendons of these muscles are placed under tension. The low leg muscle tendons end on the bones of the foot and toes. As these tendons pull the joints out of alignment and inflammatory process can occur. This process can then lead to Arthritis. Once Arthritis is on the scene we have a revolving door where one issue contributes to the other.

Finally, some people are prone to Hammer toes because their DNA sets them up for weaker or unstable structural support. A couple of examples would be flat feet or high arches. These conditions do not present by themselves, they usual arise from a postural deformity. The combination of the unstable structural support and muscle imbalances that follow lead to what has been described above.

What is going on exactly with the joints to show up as what we call Hammer toes?

We can see the placement of the phalanges (Toe bones) in this great picture from fp notebook.

In a Hammer toe the metatarsal bone has bent down toward the floor shortening the tendon which causes the middle phalanges to raise up (refer back to picture A). A side effect of this joint raise is some degree of skin blister, callus or corn.

Claw toes like Hammer toes are the result of muscle imbalances, leading to ligament and tendon tension which leads to the mis-alignment of the toe joints. Again as with Hammer toes, this condition can have a revolving door occurrence with Arthritis.

What sets a Claw tow apart from a Hammer is the affect joint position.  It is believed that Claw toes are never seen affecting the Big toe. In a claw tow, again, the metatarsal bones are bent down toward the floor. However, now the middle and distal phalanges raise up.

One will most likely see a Mallet toe in the second toe, as this toe tends to be the longs toe on many feet. Like the other two, the issue starts with the metatarsal bending down toward the floor. However, the only joint affected here is the distal phalanges.

Now what is happening with the accompanying Bunion often seen with Hammer toes? 
Take a look at picture B. What you are seeing is the Big toe bone being pushed toward the first toe. Sometimes the Big toe can be pushed over or under the first toe depending on the degree and angle of pressure.  The longer pressure is applied to the Big toe bones, gradually the metatarsal bone will migrate lateral (to the outside).
This is nicely shown in this picture from wikipedia.
Over time, if left in this condition, the lateral (outer edge) of either or both of the lateral head of the metatarsal or lateral aspect of the distal head of the proximal phalanges can develop an over growth (thickening) of bone or tissue. For the most part the larger bump that is seen is the normal anatomy of the head of the metatarsal. The area often being tender to touch, red and swollen is the bursal sac at the joint junction. If the pinky toe is affect it is termed a bunionette.

It is interesting to note, people who live in cultures where they go barefoot all the time, lack signs of bunions. This would suggest that the major cause of bunions is ill fitting shoes.

I believe with early detection all of these conditions can be prevented or at least supported in a fashion in which they remain mild, do not lead to more issues and do not require surgical correction.

Even if you have had one or more of these conditions for a while we can help to stop its progress and provide better out comes if surgery is believed necessary.

How can massage help these conditions?
1.  we can locate the source of a postural issue and help to bring awareness and hopefully correction.
2. we can help to re-align muscles to help correct the muscle imbalances which in turn can alleviate the tension on the ligaments and tendons
3. with paraffin treatments we can help to bring new blood and oxygen to the ligament and tendons which in turn will help regain their flexibility and thus allow the  joints to move back into proper alignment with time.

What will you need to do to help your massage process be its most effective?
1. be willing to wear healthier shoes
    ones that have wider toe boxes, are flat and the proper size
2. speak to your MD regarding splints or other corrective devices
3. become aware of your posture and work to alter it to help balance your muscles

As always discuss your issues and how to treat them with your MD. So that you can go into your MD with more information check out to find great ideas for sandals, socks, shoes and devices. For a jumping off point google Correct Toes. For more support google Yoga Toes.

These are just a few ideas which with team work can help achieve healthy, pain free, sandal friendly feet.

For an appointment to plan for massage ways to address your foot issues visit :

Friday, May 30, 2014

New Moon and Being Female

On Wednesday we entered into the New Moon phase of the 28 day cycling of the Moon.

The cycling of the Moon can be divided into eight phases, each lasting approximately 31/2 days. This is very similar to the healthy cycling of a female.

It is my understanding the Moon's phases start with the New Moon. When we are relating these phases to how the cycle can be helpful to human daily activity it makes sense to start with the New Moon. From an astrological view the New Moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, going in new directions. Here we can initiate new business ideas, create new facebook pages, plant seeds, make new lists of goals.

This phase is considered the dark time of the Moon. We on Earth can not see the Moon thus it appears dark. Also from Earth the Moon at this time is its closest to the Sun. You may not realize but the Moon at this time is really a crescent but due to its position between the Sun and Earth is is seen as a dark sphere.

In lunar calendars the New Moon marks the beginning of  a month.  When a woman is cycling in a healthy way she will usually have her first bleeding day on the first day of the New Moon. Like the New Moon she will stay in her dark phase (bleeding time) for approximately 31/2 days. She is at a time in her life where life and death are occurring at the same time. What this means is the unfertilized egg (potential life) is being shed with the lining that was to provide a home. At the same time a new follicle (egg) is being formed and starting on its journey to life.

This Wednesday's New Moon was linked to Gemini for you Astrology lovers. There is no wonder I have launched my new page 28 Days of Being Female during it's influence. Gemini does govern things related to the mind, sharing thoughts, learning, and being social.

I have decide to start this page because a lot of information is being shared these days about woman, the Full Moon and the bleeding time. I feel there is more to being Female than just how and when we bleed. As time goes on I will be exploring all phages of being female from pre-menses to menopause. I will also be welcoming women to share their thoughts and experiences with me.

I hope your next 28 days are filled with joy and beauty.

If you would like to fellow this page you can find it on facebook. Search 28 days of being female. Or go to
Thank you for your interest!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Paraffin more than a Spa Treatment

Most people know about paraffin wax from going to a spa. The salon/spa industry has been using paraffin wax for years to help soften and moisturize hands and feet.

Well, paraffin treatments have been around since ancient times and have been used for much more than just soft hands and feet.

A nurse friend of mine reminded me some doctors will recommend and write prescriptions for home paraffin dips after certain hand, elbow and foot surgeries. This got me to research how paraffin could help create a more effective massage experience.

I have found, in literary research,  paraffin is used to help the following conditions:
1. Arthritis
2. Osteoarthritis
3. Scleroderma
4. tendonitis
5. bursitis
6. ligament issues
7. Muscles strains
8. Muscle sprains
9. Scar tissue

What is paraffin?
It is a component of crude mineral oil, which is refined or separated, purified, chilled and filtered into its usable form. It has a heavy molecular weight.

How does it work?
The paraffin is warmed to approximately 120-125 degrees to become a liquid. In this state a person either dips their limb into a wax bath or it is brushed on or placed into a bag/glove. The heat from the warmed wax penetrates the skin. The heat and the heavy molecular weight of the oil increases local blood flow (circulation is improved) and the muscles can relax as a result. The wax helps to open pores while at the same time draws the bodies natural oils to the surface. As the wax remains on the skin and cools the body's oils can then re-moisturize the local skin. If extra oil is applied to join with the body's natural oil then even greater moisturizing occurs. Some times an area having long standing scar tissue develops limited blood flow and lymphatic movement. When this happens the area can retain fluid. Paraffin's ability to open pores and activate both blood and lymph circulation can draw the excess fluid from the localized area.

I currently have been getting results with arthritic type of hand conditions, hammer toe issues of the foot and scar tissue related fluid retention. I have been using the paraffin to help me give a deeper massage with less discomfort. It has also been useful in softening the connective tissue of the tendons to allow me to work with the muscles without having a pull from the tendons. This has greatly helped give longer lasting results of straightening toes know as hammer toes.

 The following conditions are not suited for paraffin:
1. Uncontrolled hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Varicose veins

If you are interested in trying paraffin for yourself please feel free to book any time by going to

Also remember to do your own research and discuss your options with your health care provider before starting any treatments which are not familiar to you.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Foot Soaks more than just relaxing

Have you put much thought into foot soaks?

Well if you have experienced cold feet and want  to find a simple way to start changing that experience let's talk about foot soaks.
And Look your Chair and Soaking Tub awaits you.

 Why does soaking your feet increase your health?

For many women we have experienced menstrual cycles where our bleeding was a bit heavy. This heavy bleeding with out replenishment can throw our system off. We then begin to notice issues like cold feet and hands, which can be the results of our circulatory system getting sluggish.

Foot soaks can improve the circulatory and energetic systems.  As women all our Meridians pass through the uterus as they travel to the feet. Thus the warm water will dilate the blood vessels in the feet which will increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs and throughout the rest of the body. Now your body will have a new supply of fresh blood and oxygen and the Meridians will be stimulated as well. This means your body has improved circulation and better Qi(energy). Warming the body in this way also relaxes the mind. The wonderful thing is you can achieve all of these benefits just by soaking for 10-20 minutes a day.

Let me help you jump start your health improvement routine. Come into the office for a 30 minute foot soak. We can customize it several ways to suite your current needs.

Here is one way I can help you reduce stress and bring more balance into your life.
I'll mix up a salt/ essential oil blend; of Epsom salts, Coconut oil, Sage, Ylang-Ylang and Bergamot. We'll add this to your soaking water. You'll ease your feet in and I'll massage your scalp and hands while your feet soak or we can put on the focus on your feet. We can allow one foot to soak while I massage the other for 15 minutes and then switch. Either way it will be 30 minutes of healthy bliss.

You can start your soaking with me in the office. It is simple, just go to the scheduler and scroll down. Foot soaks are 30 minutes of relaxation and health. You can often find a 30 min. opening sooner than an hour appointment.