On Wednesday we entered into the New Moon phase of the 28 day cycling of the Moon.
The cycling of the Moon can be divided into eight phases, each lasting approximately 31/2 days. This is very similar to the healthy cycling of a female.
It is my understanding the Moon's phases start with the New Moon. When we are relating these phases to how the cycle can be helpful to human daily activity it makes sense to start with the New Moon. From an astrological view the New Moon is a time of new beginnings, fresh starts, going in new directions. Here we can initiate new business ideas, create new facebook pages, plant seeds, make new lists of goals.
This phase is considered the dark time of the Moon. We on Earth can not see the Moon thus it appears dark. Also from Earth the Moon at this time is its closest to the Sun. You may not realize but the Moon at this time is really a crescent but due to its position between the Sun and Earth is is seen as a dark sphere.
In lunar calendars the New Moon marks the beginning of a month. When a woman is cycling in a healthy way she will usually have her first bleeding day on the first day of the New Moon. Like the New Moon she will stay in her dark phase (bleeding time) for approximately 31/2 days. She is at a time in her life where life and death are occurring at the same time. What this means is the unfertilized egg (potential life) is being shed with the lining that was to provide a home. At the same time a new follicle (egg) is being formed and starting on its journey to life.
This Wednesday's New Moon was linked to Gemini for you Astrology lovers. There is no wonder I have launched my new page 28 Days of Being Female during it's influence. Gemini does govern things related to the mind, sharing thoughts, learning, and being social.
I have decide to start this page because a lot of information is being shared these days about woman, the Full Moon and the bleeding time. I feel there is more to being Female than just how and when we bleed. As time goes on I will be exploring all phages of being female from pre-menses to menopause. I will also be welcoming women to share their thoughts and experiences with me.
I hope your next 28 days are filled with joy and beauty.
If you would like to fellow this page you can find it on facebook. Search 28 days of being female. Or go to
Thank you for your interest!

Colette-Eclectic Healing Guide is connected to: www.colette.massagetherapy.com FaceBook @Eclectichealingguide and Instagram @eclectichealingguide. All information in this Blog is for Educational purposes only! Please Consult your Health Care Provider concerning any disease or injury. The author is Not recommending that you self-diagnose or self-prescribe. Please discuss with your Health Care Provider before introducing anything new to your wellness routine.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Paraffin more than a Spa Treatment
Most people know about paraffin wax from going to a spa. The salon/spa industry has been using paraffin wax for years to help soften and moisturize hands and feet.
Well, paraffin treatments have been around since ancient times and have been used for much more than just soft hands and feet.
A nurse friend of mine reminded me some doctors will recommend and write prescriptions for home paraffin dips after certain hand, elbow and foot surgeries. This got me to research how paraffin could help create a more effective massage experience.
I have found, in literary research, paraffin is used to help the following conditions:
1. Arthritis
2. Osteoarthritis
3. Scleroderma
4. tendonitis
5. bursitis
6. ligament issues
7. Muscles strains
8. Muscle sprains
9. Scar tissue
What is paraffin?
It is a component of crude mineral oil, which is refined or separated, purified, chilled and filtered into its usable form. It has a heavy molecular weight.
How does it work?
The paraffin is warmed to approximately 120-125 degrees to become a liquid. In this state a person either dips their limb into a wax bath or it is brushed on or placed into a bag/glove. The heat from the warmed wax penetrates the skin. The heat and the heavy molecular weight of the oil increases local blood flow (circulation is improved) and the muscles can relax as a result. The wax helps to open pores while at the same time draws the bodies natural oils to the surface. As the wax remains on the skin and cools the body's oils can then re-moisturize the local skin. If extra oil is applied to join with the body's natural oil then even greater moisturizing occurs. Some times an area having long standing scar tissue develops limited blood flow and lymphatic movement. When this happens the area can retain fluid. Paraffin's ability to open pores and activate both blood and lymph circulation can draw the excess fluid from the localized area.
I currently have been getting results with arthritic type of hand conditions, hammer toe issues of the foot and scar tissue related fluid retention. I have been using the paraffin to help me give a deeper massage with less discomfort. It has also been useful in softening the connective tissue of the tendons to allow me to work with the muscles without having a pull from the tendons. This has greatly helped give longer lasting results of straightening toes know as hammer toes.
The following conditions are not suited for paraffin:
1. Uncontrolled hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Varicose veins
If you are interested in trying paraffin for yourself please feel free to book any time by going to
Also remember to do your own research and discuss your options with your health care provider before starting any treatments which are not familiar to you.
Well, paraffin treatments have been around since ancient times and have been used for much more than just soft hands and feet.
A nurse friend of mine reminded me some doctors will recommend and write prescriptions for home paraffin dips after certain hand, elbow and foot surgeries. This got me to research how paraffin could help create a more effective massage experience.
I have found, in literary research, paraffin is used to help the following conditions:
1. Arthritis
2. Osteoarthritis
3. Scleroderma
4. tendonitis
5. bursitis
6. ligament issues
7. Muscles strains
8. Muscle sprains
9. Scar tissue
What is paraffin?
It is a component of crude mineral oil, which is refined or separated, purified, chilled and filtered into its usable form. It has a heavy molecular weight.
How does it work?
The paraffin is warmed to approximately 120-125 degrees to become a liquid. In this state a person either dips their limb into a wax bath or it is brushed on or placed into a bag/glove. The heat from the warmed wax penetrates the skin. The heat and the heavy molecular weight of the oil increases local blood flow (circulation is improved) and the muscles can relax as a result. The wax helps to open pores while at the same time draws the bodies natural oils to the surface. As the wax remains on the skin and cools the body's oils can then re-moisturize the local skin. If extra oil is applied to join with the body's natural oil then even greater moisturizing occurs. Some times an area having long standing scar tissue develops limited blood flow and lymphatic movement. When this happens the area can retain fluid. Paraffin's ability to open pores and activate both blood and lymph circulation can draw the excess fluid from the localized area.
I currently have been getting results with arthritic type of hand conditions, hammer toe issues of the foot and scar tissue related fluid retention. I have been using the paraffin to help me give a deeper massage with less discomfort. It has also been useful in softening the connective tissue of the tendons to allow me to work with the muscles without having a pull from the tendons. This has greatly helped give longer lasting results of straightening toes know as hammer toes.
The following conditions are not suited for paraffin:
1. Uncontrolled hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Varicose veins
If you are interested in trying paraffin for yourself please feel free to book any time by going to
Also remember to do your own research and discuss your options with your health care provider before starting any treatments which are not familiar to you.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Foot Soaks more than just relaxing
Have you put much thought into foot soaks?
Well if you have experienced cold feet and want to find a simple way to start changing that experience let's talk about foot soaks.
And Look your Chair and Soaking Tub awaits you.
Why does soaking your feet increase your health?
For many women we have experienced menstrual cycles where our bleeding was a bit heavy. This heavy bleeding with out replenishment can throw our system off. We then begin to notice issues like cold feet and hands, which can be the results of our circulatory system getting sluggish.
Foot soaks can improve the circulatory and energetic systems. As women all our Meridians pass through the uterus as they travel to the feet. Thus the warm water will dilate the blood vessels in the feet which will increase the blood flow to the pelvic organs and throughout the rest of the body. Now your body will have a new supply of fresh blood and oxygen and the Meridians will be stimulated as well. This means your body has improved circulation and better Qi(energy). Warming the body in this way also relaxes the mind. The wonderful thing is you can achieve all of these benefits just by soaking for 10-20 minutes a day.
Let me help you jump start your health improvement routine. Come into the office for a 30 minute foot soak. We can customize it several ways to suite your current needs.
Here is one way I can help you reduce stress and bring more balance into your life.
I'll mix up a salt/ essential oil blend; of Epsom salts, Coconut oil, Sage, Ylang-Ylang and Bergamot. We'll add this to your soaking water. You'll ease your feet in and I'll massage your scalp and hands while your feet soak or we can put on the focus on your feet. We can allow one foot to soak while I massage the other for 15 minutes and then switch. Either way it will be 30 minutes of healthy bliss.
You can start your soaking with me in the office. It is simple, just go to the scheduler and scroll down. Foot soaks are 30 minutes of relaxation and health. You can often find a 30 min. opening sooner than an hour appointment.
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