Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Palm of Christ upon the Stomach Part2

How Castor Oil Can Help with Constipation Issues

Let's start where my castor oil education began, with why the naturopaths used it for digestive issues. These holistic doctors were working with patients dealing with constipation. Though some holistic doctors will prescribe castor oil as an internal remedy, meaning they will have you ingest it by mouth, my education started with a topical method called a "castor oil pack".

Some older people may remember their grandparents giving them spoonfuls of castor oil as a child as a home remedy for stomach cramps and constipation before the popularity of  the naturopathic profession. The FDA has determined it safe and effective for humans to use internally as a stimulate, laxative. However, some individuals who have consumed too much for extended periods of time have experienced unpleasant results. These unpleasant results were; diarreha, nausea, vomiting, fluid and electrolyte imbalances, abdominal cramping/pain and sever gas. These results have not been reported with external use of castor oil.  Still, as with any treatment, one should be aware of any unusual symptoms that linger, stop the treatments and should inform one's doctor or health care provider.

This post will be dealing only with my education and knowledge of  castor oils topical benefits and treatment.

During my time working for the naturopathic doctors I was trained to be a colonic therapist. Which meant I had to learn, among other things, what constitutes healthy bowel movements. How the bowels move depends on peristalsis  ( the contraction and relaxation of the intestines). It is this alternation of muscle contraction and relaxation that moves the feces through the intestines into the colon and out. Besides the elimination of feces the movement of the bowels creates nutrient absorption.  The nutrients are best absorbed when the nerves and muscles of the small and large intestines work together in a  rhythmic manner.  How often an individual moves their bowels depends on what they eat, how often they eat, the state of abdominal fascia, the state of neuromuscular communication and how frequently they allow themselves to have a movement. Typically we should be more like babies, eliminating approximately 1-2 hours after eating. However, with the introduction of working outside of the home and social graces, adults develop a habit of holding the bowels until they are in the privacy of their home. This holding habit is what starts the issue.  The issue is first revealed when the individual finds the need to push or strain in order to move the bowels. Once this happens individuals may began to go less frequently.  Now combine this habit of holding onto your bowels with stress and the common habit of not drinking enough water and you are on your way to constipation. If you throw in stagnation of the digestive track and tension in the abdominal muscles you have just added another layer to the problem.

What are the common signs of constipation:
1. Not eliminating at least once per day on a regular basis
2. Fecal matter appearing lumpy, hard or like little bunny pellets
3. Pushing, straining or taking longer than a couple minutes to poop ( the amount of time it takes to pee is the time it should take to poop)
4. Feeling bloated, heavy or the need to go again soon after a movement

Now let's look at what Castor Oil is and why it can help move the bowels and promote health. Castor oil is extracted from seeds of the castor plant (Ricinus Communis). It is classified as a vegetable oil. It's biology defines it as a triglyceride, monounsaturated 18 chain fatty acid. The component that sets it apart from other vegetable oils and makes it the miracle oil is Ricinoleic acid. It is also biodegradable.

 Castor oil works on the small and large intestine.  It is absorbed through the skin into the lining of the bowels. The oil works within the intestine without taking up any of the intestinal moisture (water).  Castor oil lubricates the tracks and releases fecal matter moving it through the channel into the colon. It also stimulates circulation. The body always functions better when new blood and oxygen move through an area, allowing the area to receive nutrients and fluids for flow.

What will you need to place the Palm of Christ on your stomach and get your bowels to move more efficiently?
1. Castor oil
2. Wool flannel
3. Hot water bottle
4. large towel

What type of Castor oil:

The appearance of the oil can vary. I find, the higher grade, 100% natural, organic, unrefined, cold pressed products sold in health food stores tend to have a darker, richer color and often have a bit of a woody smell. For added benefits I've been told to select the raw product. The bottle should also say for external use only.

 My favorite brand

The Wool Flannel:
If you have scrap wool and flannel pieces at home from craft projects you can use those if you don't want to spend money at the store.
Hot water bottle:

Now you have all the tools what do you do with them?
1. If you don't want a lot of mess, what I do is pour the castor oil into the palm of my hand. Enough to have a pool of it. I cover my abdominal area so that it has a good shine to it.

Note: another method is to put the wool flannel in a bowl and pour the castor oil over it to soak the wool in the oil. This is pretty messy.

2. Cover your shiny belly with the wool flannel.
3. Put the hot water bottle over the wool flannel
4. Cover everything with a large towel
5. Relax comfortably for 15 mins and allow your skin to absorb the oil.

To increase the effectiveness of the Castor oil pack it is good to add a gentle self abdominal massage after you have allowed the castor oil to absorb into your skin for 15 mins. You can use more castor oil for the massage or another oil of your choice. I find it is best to demonstrate who to do this self massage rather than try to describe it. In general though, you always start at the lower left part of your abdominal area near the left hip. Then you move across to the lower right side. Then up and under the right part of the lower ribs, moving across and under the left lower ribs. Then you spiral towards the belly button moving just outside of the belly button. Then you spiral in and over the belly button. Pause, and the reverse your spiral, moving over the belly button, just outside of the belly button (this will be 1 and 1/2 of a spiral) to the lower right hip area then back up to the right lower rib area, across to the left lower rib area and finally ending where you started at the lower left side of the abdominal area. You want to have a soft hand and be gentle through out this process.

When working with the oil pack and the self abdominal massage the best results are seen when used once a day for one month. However, most of my clients seem to be able to do it faithfully once a day for two weeks. As with any thing it is best to stop using for a while and see if the body can resume its
natural function without the external aid. If things are better but not quite back to full function another round can be taken and then another rest period. If the body still is not at its top functioning then a re-evaluation by a doctor is strongly recommended to see if the body is in need of other help.

In another post I will go into detail regarding how I combine Castor oil packs and Thai Abdominal Massage to help detox, tone and improve overall well- being of the Abdominal area and the body in general.

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