Monday, May 9, 2016

A Peek Behind the Logo- The Lotus

Ever wonder about the meaning behind a business' logo?

I thought I would periodically tell you a little about the aspects of my logo.

My logo is about what I want to bring to the people I serve in massage. It is also about how I relate to the world at large. While also speaking to the ideals I hope to create for myself and my clients.

Let's start with the Purple Lotus.

From the start of my massage career my friends and clients have told me my massage is unlike most other massages they have received in the past. The purple lotus is unique in the flower world, and spoken of as unlike most other lotus flowers.

The human body is born in water and birthed from water going through an amazing journey to take it's first breath, so too does the purple lotus.

My most common saying is my massage space is where science embraces intuition. A pillar of my practice is my ability to work with the energy of the body. In doing this there is a spiritual connection involved in each technique at some level. The purple lotus has long been associated with the spiritual realms. It represents spiritual kindness.

A large part of my massage practice is helping people reconnect to the sacredness within them, the origin of the purple lotus provides an example of being able to overcome any obstacle in life. This lotus grows from the muddy muck at the bottom of the pond, yet it emerges regal and beautiful. From this it is held as a sacred flower in Buddhism and Hinduism. Each person who comes to my office comes with their own unique story and journey. Like the lotus each of my clients is a beautiful blossoming flower.

This flower can not be grown in just any environment, it needs special care and patience. As is true of caring for the grow of a person who is trying to over come pain, injury or just daily life stress.

Through the purple lotus I fill my space with gentleness, peace, kindness and the sacred aspects of nature. I hope after experiencing massage with me you too fill these aspects of the purple lotus.

Photo taken by me in Thailand

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