Thursday, August 16, 2012

Eclectic Healing Guide's Art Wall

Artist Wall

What is the Artist Wall
In an effort to support the talented people in my life and fill my office with beauty that inspires relaxation, I have created the Artist Wall.
One wall in my Office is devoted to serving as an artist gallory. All the art is for scale benefiting the artist.
If you come into my office and fall in love with one of the pieces you can become its owner and take the feeling it provided you home with you. If you can't make it into the office but see a piece you would like to purchase you can contact the artist directly and I can make arrangements for you to pick up your art.

How can you or an artist you know become part of the wall
Just contact me. Send me a link to your work. If I feel it will blend with the decore and feel of my space then we will make arrangements for you to display your art. The theme of my office is Asian/French, Eclecticly Zen.
Each artist's work is on display for three months. I hope to have a meet and greet the artist night for each artist as everyone's schedule allows.

My Current Artist
About Paz and her work:
For Paz, painting is an intuitive journey. She approaches her work completely open to what might happen, to the process of emotion, spirit, thought and impulse interacting with the media. She is never attached to the outcome, only the experience. The experience, unpredictable and exciting, allows the final piece to emerge. Light, color, texture and compostition prove the form that connects her inner world of spirit and emotion to the shared reality of the earth-world, a platform that becomes the painting. The movement is great or small, bold or timid, loud or soft, just as the relationship of spirit is with the physical realm. She truly loves this experience and loves to paint.
Wheile Paz travels often to mexico, she calls Portland her home. She lives here in Portland.
To contact Paz for more information: Email her at

What's on the Wall Today